West London was at home to Metropolitan on Wednesday 5th February. Metropolitan stands third in the league (behind ourselves and Hendon) and usually has a board 1 called Tanguy Deflesselle (rated 2224) but he was absent tonight. They also have access to Joris Gerlagh (2419) but no sign of him either, so our opponents were a bit weaker than I expected.
The grading difference told, and Elmira had a quick win, followed by John Burke (see game below). Yan Lao won next, then Harry and Andreea. I played poorly and could only manage a draw after making a nearly fatal error at one point. The final score was as follows.
West London | Colour | Grading | Result | Metropolitan | Grading |
Harry Grieve | Black | 2522 | 1-0 | Adam Squibbs | 2001 |
Andreea Navrotescu | White | 2379 | 1-0 | Peter Vachthfeidl | 1950 |
Yan Lao | Black | 2347 | 1-0 | Ned Carmichael | 1928 |
Elmira Mirzoeva | White | 2306 | 1-0 | Andrew McGuiness | 1855 |
John Burke | Black | 1988 | 1-0 | Paul Kitchen | 1768 |
Andy Hayler | White | 1935 | ½-½ | Ronan Kelly | 1618 |
Mean grade | 2246 | 1853 | |||
Score | 5½-½ |
Board 5: P.Kitchen (1768) vs J.Burke (1988)