West London Chess Club

Match Result

West London vs Metropolitan

West London was at home to Metropolitan on Wednesday 5th February. Metropolitan stands third in the league (behind ourselves and Hendon) and usually has a board 1 called Tanguy Deflesselle (rated 2224) but he was absent tonight. They also have access to Joris Gerlagh (2419) but no sign of him either, so our opponents were a bit weaker than I expected.

The grading difference told, and Elmira had a quick win, followed by John Burke (see game below). Yan Lao won next, then Harry and Andreea. I played poorly and could only manage a draw after making a nearly fatal error at one point. The final score was as follows.

West London Colour Grading Result Metropolitan Grading
Harry Grieve Black 2522 1-0 Adam Squibbs 2001
Andreea Navrotescu White 2379 1-0 Peter Vachthfeidl 1950
Yan Lao Black 2347 1-0 Ned Carmichael 1928
Elmira Mirzoeva White 2306 1-0 Andrew McGuiness 1855
John Burke Black 1988 1-0 Paul Kitchen 1768
Andy Hayler White 1935 ½-½ Ronan Kelly 1618
Mean grade 2246 1853
Score 5½-½

Board 5: P.Kitchen (1768) vs J.Burke (1988)