West London Chess Club

Match Result

West London vs Hackney

West London played Hackney tonight, Tuesday January 14th, in the Eastman Cup competition.

Hackney were a bit weaker than I expected, missing their usual top board IM Richard Bates and a number of other strong players; they usually average around 2100 but were lower than this, though clearly they were still a strong team. I played as a reserve due to one player having to drop out on the night, showing how useful it is to have a reserve turning up in person. My game was quite complicated, so I’m afraid I didn't see much of the other games. Suffice it to say that Ameet Ghasi and Shreyas won quickly, followed by Antanas and Eldar and myself, so the match was secure with three games left.

Something went awry in Colum’s game but Lan Yao powered to victory, while John Emm's opponent played very accurately and held a draw.

We are now through to the Eastman Cup semi-finals against the strongest club in the competition, Hammersmith. The other semi-final is between University College and Imperial. The other teams eliminated at this stage were Mushrooms, Richmond and Battersea.

The scoresheet was as follows.

West London Colour Grading Result Hackney Grading
Shreyas Royal GM White 2648 1-0 Bob Eames FM 2199
Ameet Ghasi GM Black 2585 1-0 Richard Britten FM 2113
Eldar Gasanov GM White 2543 1-0 Diani Serbanescu 2041
John Emms GM Black 2435 ½-½ Salim Kriman 1982
Lan Yao WGM White 2335 1-0 Marceli Cieselski 1958
Antanas Zapolskis IM Black 2252 1-0 Adam Robinson 1932
Colum Jezierski White 1981 0-1 Ben Cullen 1920
Andy Hayler Black 1920 1-0 Michael Livesey 1913
Average grade 2322 2007
Score 6½-1½

Board 8: M.Livesey (1913) vs A.Hayler (1920)