West London Chess Club

Match Result

West London vs Harrow-B

West London hosted Harrow B in the Hillingdon League on Wednesday 23rd October. We had several of our regular players be unavailable for various reasons, and field a relatively weak team, though in the end we still outgraded Harrow B.

Chris Fegan’s game finished first, winning a piece in a queenless middlegame.

I had a kingside attack and missed a resource that allowed my opponent a perpetual escape.

Paul had rook, knight and bishop against queen, a tricky game to play but he co-ordinated his pieces really well and won.

Colum had a complex position in an opposite castling middlegame but had a significant time advantage, and his opponent conveniently blundered his queen in time trouble.

Gursh had a tricky position to start with but found a nice tactic that won a whole rook. Unfortunately, he gave back a piece and then fell victim to a knight fork in time trouble, so drew when he should have won.

The match score:

West London Colour Grading Result Harrow-B Grading
Chris Fegan Black 2074 1-0 Vinay Vekaria 1993
Colum Jezierski White 1973 1-0 Clive Heidrick 1769
Andy Hayler Black 1965 ½-½ Amit Midha 1681
Gursharanjit Gill White 1618 ½-½ Max Papachristos 1612
Paul de Rooij Black U/R 1-0 Phil McKenna 1412
Average grade 1908 1693
Score 4-1

Board 3: A.Hayler (1965) vs A.Midha (1681)